Monday, February 14, 2011

A public proclamation of LOVE.......

Dear Thad,

You are the love of my life.... my dream come true! I am so grateful that we found one another, my life is so much better now with you in it. Life was good before you... but life is AMAZING with you!

Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. You are truly the most generous, loving, caring, kind, sweetest, thoughtful, strong, sexy, patient man that I have ever met. You are more than everything I have ever wanted in a partner... you are my soulmate.

I look forward to every single day of our lives together. I love every moment we spend together. I just can't get enough of you!

Our life together is a gift and a blessing and I will always cherish it and our love. I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you and how important you are to our beautiful family.

You are my world!

I love you now and forever!!!

Happy Valentine's Day my LOVE!!!


PS... you inspire my life every single day!

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